Shamanic everyday magic
17. June 2024
The leitmotifs of Middle-earth
20. June 2024
Shamanic everyday magic
17. June 2024
The leitmotifs of Middle-earth
20. June 2024

MagicCon 7 | Vortrag | Wie klingt ein Fantasy-Film?

Many of us associate fantasy films and series with a very specific sound of music: large symphony orchestras, lots of melodies, complex orchestrations.

But does this always apply to everything?

The aim of this lecture is to take a targeted look at the soundtrack behind the dialog and sound effects of swords and dragons and to train the ear to perceive more of the music than the obligatory “main theme” that is presented to us on a platter in the credits.

Because there is no “generic fantasy sound”. Different composers write different music for different projects. This lecture will look at these approaches and ask questions such as:

  • What instruments were used?
  • Are there themes and how are they structured?
  • Which genres and genres were used?

    Lecturer: Brabbel
    Duration: 120 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german

    Bernhard Heinrich Heidkamp (born 1993), known to his friends only as “Brabbel”, has been passionate about soundtracks since middle school. Whether it's a movie, series or video game, he loves listening to it and then talking about his favorites, which include everything by James Newton Howard.

    His passion drove him to write reviews for the websites “Behind the Audio” and “Video Freaks”, which then gave him access to interviews with Klaus Doldinger and Brian Tyler. However, as he lost faith in objectivity in art, he left the reviews behind and has since concentrated on his radio show “Space of Soundtracks” in which he talks about the different sides of soundtracks and plays his favorite pieces.

    Away from film music, Brabbel keeps himself busy painting overpriced little plastic figures, running various pen & paper games or getting script ideas down on paper.

    Sources & additional links for How does a fantasy movie sound?:

    Instagram (Space of Soundtracks)

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