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Wide world of role-playing games
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MagicCon 7 | Vortrag | Schamanische Alltagsmagie

Shamanism is about as old as humanity itself. Almost every culture has developed its own form of shamanism. In the northern hemisphere, we have the most traditions of shamanic rituals from Siberia and North America. Germanic tribes and Celts have left no written records. Nevertheless, there are ideas and derivations of Central European shamanism.

Shamanism is currently enjoying increasing popularity. Perhaps it is the spiritual connection between man and nature, the opportunity for inner growth without a missionary hierarchy, or something similar.

In my offerings I give a brief overview of the shamanic world view, power animals, spiritual helper beings and the significance of ancestors.

I also use small, helpful rituals to show how shamanic approaches can enrich our everyday lives with a little perceived magic. I will also outline the difference between this and dubious methods and offers. Whereby this “magic” consists primarily of self-care, mindfulness and mutual appreciation. Inner growth, universal connectedness with all living things and a fundamental trust in things are basic aspects of a shamanic world view.

Lecturer: Michael Kluge
Duration: 90 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german

My name is Michael Kluge, I was born in Bonn-Bad Godesberg in 1968 and have long been interested in the spirituality of nature and the annual festivals of the early cultures in Europe. My own deep connection with nature soon led me to shamanism. I trained as a shaman in 2023, but this is only the beginning of a path of lifelong shamanic work and constant learning. In addition to my main job as an educator and trauma pedagogue, I offer forest bathing, shamanic work and coaching on the side. As a big fan of fantasy, I like to discover magical or fairy-tale elements in the stories, which can be derived from the shamanic world view. My main concern is to bring people back into contact with nature and with themselves.

Sources & additional links for Shamanic everyday magic:



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